Wave 3 of the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Barometer Survey is now open for your input.
This quarterly survey is carried out by Nottingham Trent University in partnership with Pro Bono Economics, with the support of Lloyds Bank Foundation. It is backed by all the major UK national and regional infrastructure organisations and turns around data quickly, to provide timely intelligence to policy-makers and government. Findings from our Wave 2 survey in February played a major part in securing £100 million in the most recent Budget, which will support VCSE organisations across the country.
- The findings of Wave 1 were covered by News at Ten on BBC 1, on Radio 4’s Six O’Clock News and in The Independent;
- Wave 2 was covered in Charity Times, UK Fundraising, Third Sector and Civil Society News and in a TV news item on BBC Look North, featuring Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice in Huddersfield and an interview with Pro Bono Economics’ Nicole Sykes.
The theme for this quarter’s survey is Volunteering – and they are eager to learn about your experiences in retaining, supporting, and recruiting volunteers over the past year.
By sharing your voice, you will play a crucial role in shaping data-driven decisions within the VCSE sector.
They are always striving to improve what they do and are interested in hearing from you about how to make the Barometer more useful. Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to drop them an e-mail.