Our Skills Bootcamps in Health and Social Care Leadership offer aspiring leaders access to free, flexible training to equip them with the skills, knowledge and competencies to grow into new leadership or supervisory roles in the sector.

We are proud of this successful programme – and it has received a great deal of good feedback, which you can read below.

Feedback from Learners

“I have really enjoyed the Aspiring Leaders course…gained a lot of knowledge around different leadership and management styles, managing teams, project management and lots more…gained confidence in my ability to manage my team and feel that I am putting my skills and knowledge to practice.” – Learner Bootcamp Feedback, Lancashire Women

“The Bootcamp has been very insightful in showing the various aspects of effective leadership. The sessions have been interesting and interactive and have helped me feel more confident as an aspiring leader.” – Learner Bootcamp Feedback, Lancashire Women

“I feel I have gained confidence with the knowledge I received around different managerial styles, techniques on coaching & mentoring, AI, communication, legal structures, marketing, and project cycle. I have started to implement techniques and knowledge in my work and have noticed the difference this course has made.” – Learner Bootcamp Feedback, Lancashire Women

“I feel much more prepared to deal with a conflict and tactics to prevent potential conflicts arising…I feel more confident overall in effectively managing a team…I am more aware of the different leadership theories and will be looking at which one fits a situation/team best in the future.” – Learner Bootcamp Feedback, The Wish Centre

“Bootcamp has impacted my professional journey by expanding my knowledge…I have gained confidence…great to network…gained new skills such as an understanding of artificial intelligence, better use of social media platforms…confidence to get out there and fulfil my dream of building a wellbeing retreat.” – Individual Learner Bootcamp Feedback

Feedback from Organisations

“The course has helped our learner develop in many ways, particularly in deepening their understanding of many areas of work when dealing with staff members… In anticipation of becoming Head of Operations, the learner’s newfound knowledge and confidence to tackle difficult situations, including a better understanding of EDI, have been evident. Each week, the learner has introduced new ideas from the training, ensuring our policies and procedures are up to date.” – Heartbeat NWCC

“Our learners participation in the Aspiring Leadership Programme has been a key factor in her development and progression within Travel Assist. The programme empowered her with new transferable skills, crucial for her role evolution from a BSOG Data Analyst to IT & Account Support Specialist. Her journey reflects the programme’s effectiveness in nurturing key team members for organisational succession planning, underscoring the value of the investment in her professional growth.” – Bootcamp Feedback, CEO, Travel Assist

“Our learners journey through the bootcamp has been transformative, empowering her with the confidence and fundamental understanding needed to excel in managing our project, including staff, finances, and marketing. Her newfound insight into AI and its application in daily business tasks, such as completing risk assessments, is already making a significant and positive impact on the continuation of LGP. This training has been a valued and significant step forward for both the learner’s personal development and the sustainability of our project at The Hub.” – CEO, Let’s Grow Preston

“Following the Aspiring Leaders course, our learner has embraced additional responsibilities with confidence, effectively managing a junior team member and leading project elements of our new HR platform. The skills and knowledge gained from the bootcamp, such as coaching, consulting, advising, and improved EDI practices, have significantly contributed to her success. The learners feedback highlights the tangible impact of the course, noting a marked improvement in her managerial approach and the positive changes it has brought to her work.” – Jess Ramsey, HR & Training Manager, Lancashire Women

Post Session Learner Feedback

“Fantastic Bootcamp! Thank you so much, I have learnt so much”

“Excellent …Many good group discussions drawing on personal experience which highlights issues faced – people’s opinions and ideas. I really enjoyed the group tasks. Clear sessions…Points covered well! This was a brilliant session…that has helped me with confidence!”

“Brilliant session. Learnt about what are values and why we have them. Learnt about what are mission, vision, value and how we set them. Very informative session.”

“Learnt so much about leadership styles & so much about my style and that it’s ok to flunctuate between. Appreciate the hospitality & the trainer is brilliant, keeping us engaged.”

“Very informative. Your AI presentation was an outstanding blend of clarity, depth and engagement, sitting a benchmark for excellence in the field.”

“Amazing trainer. Really enjoyed social value & last week communication. To the point, humourous, very well explained. Thank you”

“Again this session blew my mind…It has given me a lot to think about. Great delivery by the tutor + very knowlegeable.”

“Excellent, informative session and very clear; The class was very valuable and helpful; really enjoyed it, 100% GREAT!”

“I know this course will be extremely beneficial on my journey into leadership and personal/professional development and give me foundations to succeed.”

“Insight into leadership styles has improved confidence around my current approaches to leadership and that being flexible and adaptable works.”