The next Community CVS Network meeting will take place on Thursday 23rd March at The Boulevard Centre. You can find out more about the Network over here.


The agenda for this month’s meeting is as follows: –

  • 9.45am – Introductions
  • 10.00am – Sheila Feilding from Christians Against Poverty
  • 10.15am – Sadhia & Zuber from Audley Centre
  • 10.30am – Becca & Janine from Volunteering Now!
  • 10.45am – Joanne Dwyer from BwD
  • 11.00am – Updates
  • 11.15am – Networking

Bonus: free Prevent Training

The meeting will be followed by an opportunity for some free Prevent Training, courtesy of the Lancashire Prevent Team, as part of their offer to train those working within our communities who are keen to increase their knowledge and understanding of Prevent.

Prevent is part of the government’s counter-terrorism strategy, and aims to educate and safeguard those who may be vulnerable to radicalisation. This training will help you identify the signs of radicalisation and how people develop sympathies with extreme ideologies, as well as how to raise the alarm and ensure early intervention.

The session will cover: –

  • What is Terrorism, Extremism, Radicalisation and Ideology?
  • Different extremist groups: LASIT (left wing anarchist single issue terrorism); extreme right wing; Islamist
  • Spotting signs of Radicalisation: who could be vulnerable to radicalisation? Toolkit to identifying radicalisation – Behaviours and vulnerabilities

Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday 28th April.

Find out more

For more information, please contact Donna Talbot.

(Photo: Fox via Pexels).