

Community CVS delivers training to both volunteers and voluntary and community groups. We can also point you in the direction of external training providers for both individuals and groups. Sign up to our bulletin to get the latest information on training. Read more…

Xmas party

Community Centres

Community CVS is supporting the council by helping to develop community centres. We have been commissioned to support 5 volunteer- managed Community Centres which were asset-transferred from the local authority. We’re working with them to help: recruit and train volunteers Read more…


If you need help and support, Community CVS can connect you to volunteers and groups in your community that can help with various life issues. Please contact , call in to the Boulevard Centre  or ring us on 01254 Read more…



Community CVS is working with and developing VOICE  –  a small community group which is run solely by volunteers. VOICE runs a breakfast club on a Saturday and has recently started up a Sunday club. Our volunteers are a mix Read more…