At Community CVS, we believe that showcasing the great work of voluntary organisations and community groups is of paramount importance – and we’d love to help you get the word out about your group and what you do to enhance and enrich the lives of people in our communities.

If you’d appreciate a showcase on our website and socials, please feel free to get in touch. All we would need from you is: –

  1. a little about your group (how you began, who you are, etc.);
  2. a little about the work you do;
  3. a little about how you do this (when do you meet? Where do you carry out your work?);
  4. how can people get involved with your work?
  5. how can people who would benefit from your work get in touch with you?

Also, they say a picture is worth a thousand words. If you’d be okay with us sharing some pictures of you and your work, please feel free to send them to: –

(Image: Cottonbro Studios via